Enter Great Commission Languages' "The Easy French"! This program is scripture-based, which I love! It is written from the basis that much of the world speaks French - 75% of Africa! - and that in order to reach the people of the world, we need to speak their language. Therefore, the curriculum has you memorize key portions of scripture, such as John 3:16, in French. Scripture memorization and foreign language at the same time? Count me in!
Reading through the introduction to the curriculum, I was impressed. It was written by Marie Filion, a homeschooling mother who has also taught French in public schools. It seems as though a lot of thought has been put into this program. The recordings for the first semester are all in female voices, as language is supposedly learned better when hearing it from a woman's voice first. Also, the accent used is an international French accent, which is also supposed to be easier to learn. As you progress in the program, the accent varies to allow you to become accustom to the way French is spoken in different places. I also love that there is a little section about French culture and some trivia in each lesson. There is also a support forum for those using the curriculum.
This bit from The Easy French's website also intrigued me:
"As a homeschooling family of 6, so are we! Le Français Facile! is nearly 400 pages of non-consumable textbook plus 2 audio CD's. CD #1 is also an enhanced audio CD-ROM. Place it in your computer and you can print (for FREE) over 200 activity sheets, which you then keep in a 3 ring binder as your students consumable workbook. This is great for families with multiple children - simply print as many copies as you require! As an added bonus, because the program is non-consumable, you can send it to our friends at Wycliffe Bible Translators (see page 1 in the curriculum for details) when you are finished with it to receive a credit towards the purchase of the next level, saving you even more money!"
The Easy French can be ordered from www.theeasyfrench.com. The new format, which is what I received, is $84.95 per level, and includes an audio cd and data cd in each book. Test and answer books are separate.
***Note: I received my copy of The Easy French Level 1A in exchange for my review through TOS Homeschool Crew. All opinions are my own.
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