Monday, August 20, 2012

TOS Review:

Prior to this review, I had heard of Vocabulary Spelling City, and it was always with a good recommendation from another homeschooler.  I was given the opportunity to check it out for myself recently.  

One thing I found a little challenging with this review is that we weren't really doing any formal lessons at the time, so I didn't have spelling words for the kids to work on.  Fortunately, one of the features of Vocabulary Spelling City is that you can choose to enter your own lists, or choose from pre-made lists.  I chose to have Super Girl work on the list of state names.  She is a really good speller, and can spell most of them correctly the first time.  However, I felt that the practice wouldn't hurt, and I also thought that all the games and such would help make sure she knows all the state names.

After I chose a list for Super Girl, I was able to go in and choose how I wanted her to work on the words.  There are a variety of games to choose from, in which the student practices the words while having fun.  There are also several ways to teach and test the words.  I really love that you can even print out the spelling words as a handwriting practice sheet!  I chose to have Wonder Boy work on his handwriting while practicing the months of the year.  I know he should have them down pat at age 12, but his spelling is not good, to say the least.

Vocabulary Spelling City is available as an online subscription for $29.99 for up to 5 children for one year.  There are also many free areas of the website, if you want to "try before you buy."  Be sure to visit the "teaching resources" tab, which has loads of things to explore, such as language arts lessons.  Vocabulary Spelling City tracks your student's progress as they work through a word list.  If you have several children of differing ages, it's a great way to take a little off your plate and allow you to tend to other things and younger children while your older student does their spelling!  If you don't homeschool, Vocabulary Spelling City is still a great way to help ensure that your child does well on their weekly spelling tests!


***Disclaimer:  I was given a subscription to Vocabulary Spelling City in exchange for my review through the Schoolhouse Review Crew.  All opinions are my own.

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