Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Awesome Kids!

Today was distribution day for Christmas assistance! WHEW! We had to take the kids with us, and I was really worried that they wouldn't behave well. After all, it's cold there, and there are lots of brand new toys to mess with and beg for. When we got there, Wonder Boy and Super Girl went straight over to the food area, and helped pack bags and boxes for the families. No one had to tell them to stop doing something, quit acting up, etc. I was very glad, because I was busy finishing up the handful of Angel Tree bags that didn't get finished the night before.

Once the people started coming to pick up their food and gifts, things still went pretty well. The kids really enjoyed helping out, and everyone commented on how great they were! They really were a big help, running back and forth to deliver bags of gifts, moving bags and boxes of food, helping bring in carts from the outer door . . . It could have been a really stressful day if I'd had to keep on top of them to behave. I'm so thankful they were good! I'm hoping they learned a little something about helping others, too.

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