Saturday, May 19, 2012

5 Days of... Preschooling with Pinterest: Day 5

***Note to self:  Do not schedule your post, then forget to check that it actually showed up on your blog - for two whole days.  That will be the time that you apparently hit "save", rather than "publish".

Here we are, at Day 5 already!  Today I have decided to share with you some Preschool ideas that I really like, but didn't feel fit in a category together - aside from this "miscellaneous" category, that is.  I hope you all have enjoyed this series, and that you have also checked out some of the other great themes being explored on the other participating blogs!  If not, just click the "5 Days of Blogging with the Homeschool Crew" button in the side column, and have fun!

That's all I have to share with you right now, but be sure to check out my preschool ideas board on Pinterest.  There are more ideas there, and I will continue to add to it!

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